Final Products
This video illustrates a typical buyer's journey through the Rummage app. The user can choose how far away they are willing to travel to pick up anything they buy. They can scroll through the listings in their area. After finding an item they want, they can select it and place an order. At that point they wait for the seller to drop the item off at the nearest locker. The locker will take a picture of the item and send it to the buyer to confirm that it is what they ordered. once confirmed they are given a QR code that can open the locker and let them retrieve their order.
This video demonstrates a typical sellers journey through the rummage app. The seller can create a listing, add photos, add descriptions, and add pricing for their item. once a sale is made they are given a QR code to use at the nearest Rummage locker and let them store the bought item. Once the buyer has confirmed that the item is what they ordered, the app transfers the payment to the seller's account and makes it available for transfer to a bank account.

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